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Time, Money and Well-Being: Optimize Your Life as a Yoga Teacher


This course has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase.

Your ability to maintain and model a balanced lifestyle for your students is paramount as a yoga teacher, yet too many times the yoga teacher is the most stressed out person in the studio!


What does it mean to create a sustainable teaching schedule?

  • It's about efficient time management
  • It’s about making an honest assessment of yourself and your priorities
  • It's knowing and empowering yourself to choose your teaching environment
  • It's being aware of your financial goals and creating a truly rewarding path for your teaching career that balances out with your personal life.

Problems such as teacher burnout, stagnancy, resentment, lack of time for practice or professional enrichment, and difficult finances are often due to neglect of such consideration.

Ideally your teaching schedule should allow ample time for your practice, personal development, leisurely pursuits and time with family and friends. Imagine how much more energy you might have teaching at the time of day you're most mentally focused? And what if you could work with exactly the demographic of student you serve best? In an ideal world you are doing what you love, while at the same time being able to live - and by that we mean earn a sustainable living.

Through some self exploration and time-tested wisdom from long time yoga instructor, Gina Caputo, RYT - you will turn your teaching schedule inside out and outside in to create a schedule that nourishes you and your students on every level!

What's in this course?

Gina delivers the course in a step-by-step fashion beginning with a self assessment, followed by a thorough exploration of how to find the right places to teach, and ends with a plan on how to create an optimal, sustainable teaching schedule. The course includes samples of unsustainable vs. sustainable schedules, OmWork handouts to help you assess your current and ideal schedule and a knowledge assessment at the end to credit you as having completed the course.

In the eCourse you will explore how to:


  • Identify the right locations to teach
  • Create a sustainable teaching schedule
  • Have a clear financial picture
  • Prevent burnout by making wise scheduling choices
  • Compare sample unsustainable vs. optimal schedules (downloadable)
  • Hone in on your optimal demographic
  • Weigh the pros and cons of any opportunity
  • Determine your personal values
  • Assess your natural talents, strengths and weaknesses
  • Build community within your classes
  • Gracefully let go and move on when necessary
  • Downloadable OmWork handouts and assessments
  • Knowledge assessment to help gauge your learning and to credit you as having completed the course

How does it work?

The course content is delivered via online streaming video and organized into 6 modules with 11 video lessons total. A discussion feature on the first page of the course under the video is included so you can interact with Gina and other 90 Monkeys yoga teachers about your insights and questions. The total running time is one hour and forty eight minutes.


This course is best suited for any level of yoga teacher who feels that there is room for improvement in the area of making their teaching schedule more sustainable and fruitful.


This eCourse meets Yoga Alliance's non-contact hours requirements for continuing education.

By purchasing this product I UNDERSTAND and AGREE to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Sharing Policy
This course contains copyrighted material only viewable by registrants of the course. Any sharing, reproduction, distribution of the course material without prior consent is expressly prohibited.

NOTE: For questions email:


Module 1: Getting Started and What You’ll Learn in this Course

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Part 1: Getting Started
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Module 2: Know Thyself, Know Thy Schedule!

Part 2: Determining Personal Values
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Part 3: Assessing Your Natual Talents, Strengths and Weaknesses
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Module 3: Location, Location, Location!

Part 4: Identify the Right Place For You
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Part 5: Demographics
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Part 6: Weighing the Pros and Cons
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Module 4: Your Schedule and Community

Part 7: Sustainable Teaching Schedule
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Part 8: Building Community
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Module 5: Financial Considerations and When to Let Go

Part 9: Your Financial Picture
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Part 10: When to Let Go
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Module 6: In Summary

Part 11: Conclusion - You Can Do This!
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Closing and Knowledge Assessment
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